There's a lot of ways to promote your blog or website on the internet, But I think the most easiest and possible way is to add some nice follow or share buttons to your blog and allow your visitors to share your stories on the internet and help you to grow.... So, Today I'm going to show you.. how to add a follow and share buttons in your Blogger blog How to add button in Blogger . Let's Begin.. I'm sharing my personal method of how I added buttons on my Blog . So there's an awesome website called , So first you have to visit the site and you need to register with your email then you will find some plugin options like Share Button , Follow Button , Related Posts etc. Now select a button that you would like to add to your blog and then a activation page will pop up, click on activate and customize the appearance of the button and set it the way you want it to appear on your blog and click continue, it will provide you a u...
Let's find some beautiful place to get lost..